Kambistet, pasiguri për jetën - Vizion PLus - News - Lajme

2015-11-21 7

Vrasja e kambistit 55-vjeçar Ethem Spahia ne agjencinë e tij ne qytetin e Fierit, ka rikthyer ankthin e pasigurinë tek koleget e tij. Vetëm ne harkun kohor te një viti, ne Fier janë shënuar dhjete raste te goditjes se kambisteve, me një te vdekur dhe nëntë te plagosur. Disa muaj me pare, viktima kishte rene pre e grabitësve te cilët e kishin plagosur me thike pas shpine, por asokohe mundi tu shpëtonte plagëve te renda. Dyshohet se ngjarja mund te ketë te njëjtin autor. Kambisti Spahiu u godit katër here me thike nga 25-vjeçari Dilaver Adushaj nga Roskoveci. Fillimisht u deklarua se kambisti është vrare gjate përpjekjes për ta grabitur, por se fundmi, policia beri te ditur se nuk përjashtohet edhe pista e krimit për motive te dobëta. Autori tentoi vetëvrasjen pas masakrimit te kambistit. Për me shume se një ore policia negocioi me autorin deri sa Forcat e Ndërhyrjes se Shpejtë munden ta vinin ne pranga. 55-vjeçari baba i tre fëmijëve, ishte i licencuar dhe punonte prej vitesh si kambist ne qytetin e Fierit.

he murder of 55-year kambistit Ethem Spahia in his agency in the city of Fier, anxiety and insecurity has returned to his colleagues. Only over the course of a year, we marked ten Fier hitting cambists cases, with one dead and nine wounded. Several months ago, the victims had fallen prey to robbers who had been wounded with a knife behind her back, but then beat to escape serious injury. It is suspected that the event may have the same author. Kambisti Spahiu was hit four times with a knife by 25-year-old Dilaver Adushaj by Roskovec. Initially it was stated that kambisti is killed during robbery attempt it, but recently, the police announced that the track is not excluded for reasons of poor crime. The author attempted suicide after massacring the kambistit. For more than an hour until police negotiated with the author as the Rapid Intervention Forces were able to handcuff him. 55-year-old father of three children, was licensed and worked for years as cambist in the city of Fier.