Me shume farmaci sesa paciente - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-21 4

Tirana ka trefishin e numrit te farmacive qe duhet te kishte bazuar ne numrin banoreve. Plot 700 farmaci numërohen ne kryeqytet, ne një kohe qe ne te gjithë Shqipërinë numërohen gjithsej 1400. Mjafton te kalosh pranë spitaleve kryesore për te pare fluksin e farmacive. Vetëm brenda apo fare pranë QSUT-se dhe Spitalit Ushtarak janë gati 50 te tilla qe rrethojnë ndërtesat e institucioneve te shëndetit. Vete farmacistet qe punojnë ne afërsi te Qendrës Spitalore Universitare "Nene Tereza", tregojnë se kane furnizime qe shteti nuk i disponon, duke i shtyre pacientet qe ti blejnë medikamentet me leke. Ndërsa vete drejtoria e spitalit mohon abuzimin e mjekeve me lëshimin e recetave me ilaçe qe nuk gjenden ne listën e QSUT-se. Heqja vite me pare e kushtit për një distance prej 150 metrash te njërës farmaci nga tjetra, e ka bere shume te lehte marrjen e licencës për një biznes te tille. Mjafton një kërkesë on line ne qendrën e licencimit, pajisja me certifikatën e farmacistit dhe një e ardhur paraprake, për te mundësuar hapjen e këtij aktiviteti. Por vendet me te preferuara mbeten pranë spitaleve, ku farmacitë kane gëluar e janë shndërruar ne kioska duke shfrytëzuar lidhjet me mjeket, ose edhe thjesht duke tregtuar ilaçe qe spitali nuk i ka.

Tirana has three times the number of pharmacies had to be based on the number of inhabitants. Lots numbered 700 pharmacies in the capital, in a time that the entire country in 1400 the total count. Enough to pass near the main hospital for the first influx of pharmacies. Only within or very close TUHC Military Hospital and are almost 50 such that the surrounding buildings of health institutions. Self pharmacists who work in proximity to the University Hospital Center "Mother Teresa", show that the state supplies are not available, pushing you to buy medication patients with ALL. While the management of the hospital itself denies abuse of doctors to issue prescriptions to drugs that are not found in the University Hospital Center's list. Removing years ago the condition for a distance of 150 meters to one pharmacy from another, has made ??it very easy getting a business license for that. Suffice an application on line at licensing center, the device with the pharmacist and a certificate of previous income, to facilitate the opening of this activity. But the most favorite places remain at the hospital, where pharmacies have become active and are transformed in kiosks using links with doctors, or even simply being marketed medicines that the hospital does not have.