Zannon koitsu is a english voiced synthesizer. Consisting of 200+ phonics in his japanese voicebank. Over 6000+ strung and, unstrung sounds in vccv for a beta v1 english.
Zannon koitsu is used in a program called utau. A midi based program used like fl studio/ synthesia . By connecting and, arranging phonic sounds you can use a virtual singer to sing your own custom songs for you.
For best results keep in c3-c4 range, use flags B0t+2G+2, resampler default/ fresamp/ tip or , resampler-ug.
Here are some link:
cv (basic):
vccv (v1 beta) :
If you know how to use mikumikudance or, mikumikumoving or, any type of 3d animation tools here is his offical 3d models you may use. Please note before, useing him he is gay. He has no interest in females. the file contains3 types of models.
1. Bara (big mucsles). 2. Basic more wolf like. 3. His alternative country style cloths.
The song is about, a young boy who road his bike so fast down a hill. Enjoying the speed he didnt try to stop. Crashing threw his house window. He flew into his dad's music box. The music box ripped apart his body.
He don't want his parents to mourn form him. Cause,he loves all they done foe him.