Baby deer rescued from dead mother's womb in emergency roadside C-section

2015-11-16 20

FRETTENHAM, UK — The quick instincts of an animal sanctuary volunteer led to the miracle birth of a baby deer, who otherwise never would have made it.

Around 12:30 a.m. on November 11, a man was driving along when he saw what appeared to be roadkill on the pavement up ahead. He stopped to investigate and found a muntjac deer who had apparently just been struck dead by a vehicle.

The man, a volunteer at Norwich's Hillside Animal Sanctuary, decided to move the dead carcass off the road and away from traffic. But as he did, he noticed strong kicking movements from the deer's stomach and realized there was an unborn fawn inside of it, fighting for its life.

Using a knife he had stashed away in his car, the man performed an emergency caesarean section of the dead mother deer and was miraculously able to pull out the newborn. After clearing her airways, he wrapped the little one in his jacket and rushed her to the animal sanctuary closeby.

When he arrived with the fawn, the infant was naturally weak. To help her survive, animal care staff fed her colostrum, a special milk produced by pregnant mammals just before birthing.

Staff at the rescue say the fawn is believed to be one month premature, but after only two days, she has begun to walk. Her rescuer, who has chosen to remain anonymous, reports that he is taking care of her at his home, nursing her with a bottle every hour.


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