Parisians united in grief hold vigils at scene of attacks

2015-11-15 28

Paris is a city in mourning, gripped by fear and shock following the brutal killing of innocent lives in Friday night’s series of attacks across the city.

The French President Francois Hollande described the horrific events as an act of war against France.

Scores were killed and hundreds remain in hospital.

Karim, a Paris resident said: “there are no words, there are no words… apart from coming here and expressing my grief”.

Another Parisian, Olivia, explained: “I would never have thought that this could happen in my neighbourhood, next to my home. I’m coming to terms with the fact this can happen everywhere, and that no safe place exists.”

Vigils have been taking place across Paris, with large numbers gathering at the restaurants were many of those who died were enjoying the start of the weekend.

The crowds also gathered at a square near the Bataclan concert hall, where dozens were slain, united in grief.

“Just after Charlie Hebdo (attacks in January this year),