Today is Wednesday 22nd July 2015 and we were so flabbergasted when listening to Mike Maloney last night that we simply just had to produce this video today.
Well its official, one of the biggest (in our opinion) precious metal ‘pumpers’ – Mike Maloney admitted yesterday in a You Tube broadcast that he expects the price of gold to fall to $1000 and possibly lower.
He says: “We will go through a deflationary dip before inflation or hyper-inflation occurs”. He sees this deflationary implosion (that he claims he has predicted for some time) being a significant cause for the reduction in gold and silver prices. He also adds that he believes that manipulation plays a part too.
So he says he has been predicting this for some time. Really?
Well Mike, we have one question for you, if you genuinely thought that precious metal prices were going to fall for some time – then why did you not say so and loudly? Why continue promoting your ‘Hidden Secrets of Money’ course telling everyone that we were going to have a currency collapse and the price of gold and silver could potentially rise to infinity and not add the caveat but don’t buy yet?. If you truly cared about your followers – you would have shouted – GOLD AND SILVER PRICES ARE GOING DOWN – SELL NOW AND BUY BACK LATER – but you didn’t Mike – You didn’t.
He also says that despite the silver price decline, the price of silver eagles have remained the same, because of premiums. Well take a leaf out of Peter Hug’s book who said on Kitco news today do not buy eagles and pay a $4 premium - buy 100 oz bars at less than a $1 premium – after all you are a precious metal dealer Mike – this is what you should be telling people.
Peter Hug, the Global Trading Director of Kitco Precious Metals stated today that the next psychological step for gold is $1000 but he personally envisages the price “grinding down” from current levels to about $1020. He says “As long as the US Dollar maintains its current level, or rises slightly – gold will remain subdued. If the FED raises rates then, that day or the day after, he will buy gold. He also warns investors not to chase premiums just because the US and Canadian Mints temporarily ran short through under-estimating demand. Also Important for Silver investors and stackers he believes that silver will fall in price to the upper $12 bracket.
So, having overcome our disbelief at Mike’s video we suggest you listen to someone, perhaps a little more balanced, and less salesman like, Peter Hug, who predicts what we have been saying for some time – Gold resistance $1000 - Silver resistance $12 – yes it could overshoot but it’s at these levels we believe that prices will move to and possibly stay there for a number of months to come.
Now we really do not plan or wish to criticise anyone on this channel, for if someone is brave enough to express their beliefs publicly and stand by their forecasts, they should be admired. However, if they then prove to be wrong – then they should admit it just as boldly as the prediction they originally made. We will do that and we expect others to do the same.