Benefits for Humanity - A Snapshot of Earth - HD

2015-11-10 2

Imagine bread loaf-sized satellites zipping around the Earth each day, imaging the globe and providing updates on the environment. Thanks to the International Space Station, this constellation of satellite image gathering has been made a reality. With the mission of photographing the majority of the Earth every day, Planet Labs created small satellites, individually referred to as Doves, to capture ground imagery for use in humanitarian, environmental and commercial applications. With the 2005 NASA Authorization Act designating the U.S segment of the station as a national laboratory, the space station drives growth of a robust commercial marketplace in space through endeavors like Planet Labs. The Earth-imaging mission of Planet Labs Dove satellites takes another leap toward creating benefits on Earth resulting from innovation in space. This is yet another way the orbiting laboratory is enabling research Off the Earth, For the Earth.

Credit: NASA