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Do you know Google can help free of cost for finding your lost cell phone? A software whose name is android is the property of Google. If your cell phone is android phone, you can find your lost mobile with following steps.
1. To Add your Gmail id and password in your android cell phone by going to system setting.
2. Just open your pc, and open your google account with same Gmail id and password.
3. Now, go to dashboard.
4. See Android. Click, manage device.
5. Now, you see pop up in which Google will take your permission by asking "allow android device manager to use your location. You have to accept it by clicking on accept button.
6. Now, it will tell your cell phone's exact location in both text and google map with in the second. Every-time, you will go to other place from your home or office. This location will be updated as per your cell phone will change the location.
Now, when someone will take your mobile phone without your permission, you can find the thief by checking his exact place.
Remember : Never go alone, take the police by complaint FIR and show the location.