Gertie the Dinosaur (Winsor McCay, 1914)

2015-11-10 4

"Gertie: she's a scream. She eats, drinks and breathes! She laughs and cries. Dances the tango, answers questions and obeys every command! Yet, she lived millions of years before man inhabited this earth and has never been seen since!!

"According to science this monster once ruled this planet. Skeletons now being unearthed measuring from 90 ft. to 160 ft. in length. An elephant should be a mouse beside Gertie."

-Original Taglines for the 1914 Release

"A 1914 short animated film by Winsor McCay that inspired many generations of animators to bring their cartoons to life. Although not the first animated film, as is sometimes thought, it was the first cartoon to feature a character with an appealing personality. The appearance of a true character distinguished it from earlier animated "trick films", such as those of Blackton and Cohl, and makes it the predecessor to later popular cartoons such as those by Walt Disney. The film was also the first to be created using keyframe animation.
"The film has been selected for preservation in the United States National Film Registry, and was named #6 of The 50 Greatest Cartoons of all time in a 1994 survey of animators and cartoon historians by Jerry Beck."

Gertie : she' ; cri perçant de SA. Elle mange, boit et respire ! Elle rit et pleure. Danse le tango, répond à des questions et obéit chaque commande ! Cependant, elle a vécu des millions d'années avant que l'homme ait habité cette terre et jamais n'ait été vu depuis ! !
Gertie: she' Schrei S.-A. Sie isst, trinkt und atmet! Sie lacht und schreit. Tanzt den Tango, beantwortet Fragen und befolgt jeden Befehl! Jedoch, lebte sie Millionen Jahre, bevor Mann diese Erde bewohnte und nie seit dem! gesehen worden ist!
Gertie: she' grido dello S.A. Mangia, beve e respira! Ride e grida. Balla il tango, risponde alle domande ed obbedice ad ogni ordine! Tuttavia, ha vissuto milioni di anni prima che l'uomo abitasse in questa terra e mai non fosse stato veduto da allora!!
Gertie: she' s.aの叫び。 彼女は食べ、飲み、そして呼吸する! 彼女は笑い、叫ぶ。 タンゴを踊り、質問に答え、そしてあらゆる命令に従う! しかし、彼女は何百万人がこの地球に居住し、決してその後見られていなかった前にの年­住んでいた!!
Gertie: she' grito del S.A. ¡Ella come, bebe y respira! Ella ríe y grita. ¡Baila el tango, contesta a preguntas y obedece cada comando! ¡Con todo, ella vivió millones de años antes de que el hombre habitara esta tierra y nunca se haya visto desde entonces!!