A Japanese brother accepted Islam after a long discussion on good deeds –Dr Zakir Naik 2015

2015-11-09 774

Perhaps the best description of the Quran was given by Ali, the cousin of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) when he expounded upon it as,

"The Book of God. In it is the record of what was before you, the judgment of what is among you, and the prophecies of what will come after you. It is decisive, not a case for levity. Whoever is a tyrant and ignores the Quran will be destroyed by God. Whoever seeks guidance from other than it will be misguided. The Quran is the unbreakable bond of connection with God; it is the remembrance full of wisdom and the straight path. The Quran does not become distorted by tongues, nor can it be deviated by caprices; it never dulls from repeated study; scholars will always want more of it. The wonders of the Quran are never ending. Whoever speaks from it will speak the truth, whoever rules with it will be just, and whoever holds fast to it will be guided to the straight path."

Dr Zakir Naik's Japan tour 2015
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