Happy Diwali - Why Lamps are lit for Diwali to welcome Shri Ram Chander Ji - 2.

2015-11-09 11

Happy Diwali - Why Lamps are lit for Diwali to welcome Shri Ram Chander Ji - 2. Whilst in Kal Yug, both of them come as ParVishnu, the very Son of Parbrahm and ParShiv, the very ParBrahm (Akal Purakh) because the Brahmins had become corrupt and useless to uphold the moral laws. Shri (Satguru) Nanak Dev Ji came to introduce the Muryada of Ram, Spiritual Principles or NAAM that applies not to our physical body or TANN as the moral laws of Shri Ram Chander Ji or of Moses did but to one's "mind", Nafs or MUNN. As Ram is SATT and not SACH, so Shri Nanak Dev Ji was a "Satguru", a Royal High Priest or Preacher of God, “DANDORCHHI of Ram”, against the Brahmin moral teachers or Priests, "Gurus", who were teaching the Muryada of Shri Ram Chander Ji, that is SACH but not SATT. Thus, all the Baani of the six Satgurus in the Ad-Granth Sahib is directed towards your "mind" or MUNN related to your supernatural self "soul", SOOKHSHUM ROOP or abstract self only and not directed towards our natural physical "body", "TANN" or ASTHOOL ROOP. The WARAN of Bhai Gurdass Ji were related to the characteristics of people of different castes or applied to our TANN and, therefore, they were not included in the Ad-Granth. In short, Ad-Granth has PAKKI SOOKHSHUM BANI and not the KACHI ASTHOOL BANI, which is the realm of Brahmin or of KACHAE "Gurus" but it is the “key” to the PAKKI BANI. That is, no son of Man or of the tribal fathers as I am a Nijjhar Jatt then no son of God, a Saint or Bhagat. Or first be faith to Potter, Brahma, and then you would be trusted by our Supernatural Father Allah, ParBrahm, Elohim, etc. Thus, Satguru Nanak Dev Ji was the incarnation of "Par Vishnu" against Shri Ram Chander Ji, who was an incarnation of "Vishnu". So, Satguru Nanak Dev Ji represented "Ram", the Sun and, therefore, no candles or Devas for Him are required to greet Him but KIRTAN, the dazzling Light of Ram Himself to dispel the spiritual Darkness of Kal Yug, the Fog created by the most satanic people especially of the Khatri tribe, the Kings and Emperors of Darkness that forced Satguru Nanak Dev Ji to put “His Word” in ink on paper. Remember that “His Word” is DHUR KI BAANI that is received on individual basis through logical reasoning, the GUR or Formula called DHANGHH. Those people, who refused to amend their ways of life through the Word of Mouth, then the incarnation of "Par Shiv", the Four Sachae Paatshahs, Royal Kings appeared to sort them up with sword power. Sachae Paatshah Har Gobind Ji was the First and Sachae Paatshah Gobind Singh Ji, the last in the series and the Last Sachae Patshah Gobind Rai Ji came with His Escort “Holy Spirit” in the name of Sahib or Mahan Devan. He put the last two Panths, Khalsa and Nirmallae Sant on Firm independent footing. Please help me in writing my Book on "One God; One Faith". Replace 1 by 2, 3, 4, etc. for other chapters:- http://www.nijjhar.webspace.virginmedia.com/chapter1.htm In Jesus, we are to be solitary. http://www.nijjhar.webspace.virginmedia.com/antichrist.htm Flesh + soul = Once-born natural Disciple of the Rabbis Flesh + soul + spirit = Twice-born sensible Labouring son of God Fanatics are super bastard Devils – John 8v44:- http://www.nijjhar.webspace.virginmedia.com/seedterr.htm http://www.nijjhar.webspace.virginmedia.com/fanbastards.htm Much confused Trinity is explained:- Playlist:- https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0C8AFaJhsWyU_oUMJodHvSZGoNDPk5bu John's baptism:- http://www.nijjhar.webspace.virginmedia.com/johnsig.docx Please print these pages to understand Baani as well:- Punjabi Book:- http://www.nijjhar.webspace.virginmedia.com/pbook.htm http://www.nijjhar.webspace.virginmedia.com/trinitynew.jpg http://www.nijjhar.webspace.virginmedia.com/johnsig.jpg Could anyone make a better job of my T-shirt design?:- http://www.nijjhar.webspace.virginmedia.com/nutshell.jpg" copied. READ MORE: http://www.disclose.tv/uploadSimple