Spray Your Utah Lawn for Bugs and Insects

2015-11-05 1

http://www.ferta-lawn.com/ - They say that prevention is the best medicine. When caring for your lawn, this statement holds true. Grubs, billbugs, and chinch bugs can have a devastating effect on a lawn. Grubs are the larvae of different kinds of beetles. Grubs are small, white, and have brownish heads. As they grow, these grubs eat the roots of grass, killing it from the bottom up. You can tell that you have grubs by yellow patches of grass in areas of the lawn that are getting sufficient amounts of water. If allowed to spread, grubs can kill a whole lawn. Billbugs are beetle-like bugs that also eat grass roots. Chinch bugs can become a problem in severe heat and drought. These bugs kill grass by eating the stems and by injecting their saliva while eating. By having a professional perform a preventative spray against these pests, you can avoid the extensive lawn damage they cause. At Ferta-Lawn care of Davis County, Utah, we especially recommend these preventative spray treatments for lawns that have had billbugs, grubs, or chinch bugs in the past.