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"Hi, I'm Dr. Vimala. I'm in alternative health care.
I'm actually a homeopath and flower remedy practitioner.
When I was first told about internet marketing, I thought
to myself "what can i do with the internet?"
And Andrew Tan was one of the co-organizer of the Singapore
MLB Funshop told me that it was something that I wouldnt
regret so I came along base on his word actually and now
I'm really glad I did bec it opened my mind.
And I can see so many diff ways I can build my business,
build my practise and I just have fun too and getting to
know Joel has been something really great because he is so
approachable and extremely giving.
I found that with him bec I've been to another event and
I didnt get that feeling with the facilitator or the speaker.
So this really made the difference to me because I felt like he
personally connected with me um esp since I'm from a very different
industry from everyone else thats in the room.
And I brought my son along because were looking at it as something
that we can do as a family to build businesses and I want my son to
have something in the future and maybe a legacy for him