The Lost Book of Nostradamus (images)

2007-10-30 16

These are a few images I extracted from a 2 hour special that played on The History Channel Oct 28th, 2007 called:
"The Lost Book of Nostradamus"

Show description:
"Italian journalist Enza Massa stumbles across a mysterious manuscript dating to 1629 attributed to the prophet Nostradamus and containing illustrations of his predictions. Examining a mysterious book that some believe may be lost text by Michel Nostradamus, the 16th-century French astrologer and physician who many think predicted major world events. Includes the life of Nostradamus and interpretations of the book."

In the show, it discussed that Napolean was the first Antichrist, Hitler was the second, and they "think" Bin Laden is the third Antichrist.
hmmm I don't think so, but who knows? Overall this was a really interesting special!
Watch or Download this video HERE:

Learn more about this 2 hour special HERE: