In the time of Hazrat Mahdi, the Dajjal (Antichrist) in the Euphrates region (the PKK) shall enter your home and take your children captive

2015-11-03 1

ADNAN OKTAR: Our Prophet (saas) elaborated on the Dajjal Movement in the Euphrates region in the End Times. He (saas) describes the place. "The Dajjal will enter your homes and will take your children captive. I saw it", said the Prophet (saas). In other words, he (saas) saw it 1400 years ago. He says : ‘The Dajjal entered your home. I am seeing it now, and he took your children captive". He (saas) is addressing the people living in the End Times. The PKK enters the homes of  Muslims  and takes their children captive and takes them up to the mountains.

BULENT SEZGıN: Mr. Adnan, there are pictures of juvenile PKK members.

ADNAN OKTAR: Just like that. It is a full realization of the hadith. They take children captive and lead them up to the mountain. Very young girls. Look, very little kids. So, they are fourteen, thirteen or twelve -year- old kids. Some people are trying to look cute to the PKK and its leaders, and to Ocalan. "Some people would