Temporomandibular joint syndrome and its treatment

2015-11-01 8

Dr. Mary Lewis, a professional Virginia Beach Dentist, speaks on Temporomandibular joint syndrome and its treatment. The most common symptoms of TMJ are headache, neck ache, locking and clicking of the jaw. Although there are many medical treatments for TMJ in Virginia Beach, such as dental splints and Botox injections, Dr. Lewis recommends Dawson Theory to cure TMJ. In this treatment, the focus is on balancing the occlusion to prevent them from wearing improperly. If it is just a muscular problem, braces are not required as an occlusal guard worn by patients while sleeping works fine. Dr. Lewis explains that that in some cases patients have to wear this guard while sleeping on a permanent basis. She also states that occlusal guard is not a permanent solution as this problem can only be treated by balancing the occlusion.

For more details, visit: www.vbcosmeticdentist.com/general-dentistry/tmj-therapy