Dr. Ranga Ram Chary, a cosmologist with the U.S. Planck Data Center, has identified an unusual light in the sky which he believes could be residual light from a collision of our universe with another one.
A strange light in the sky could be residual matter from another universe, according to new research.
Dr. Ranga-Ram Chary, a cosmologist with the U.S. Planck Data Center, has written a paper which centers around this potential new finding related to the Big Bang.
He took a map of light remaining from the early universe, called the cosmic microwave background, and compared it with an image of the sky taken by the Planck telescope.
What remained after removing overlaps including debris like gas, dust, and stars was a frequency of light that was unaccounted for.
As a result, Chary concluded that the residual emission could “possibly be due to the collision of