1926 directed by Roland West starring George Beranzer as Gideon Bell, Charles Herzinger as Courtleigh Fleming, Emily Fitzroy as Miss Cornelia Van Gorder, Louise Fazenda as Lizzie Allen, Arthur Housman as Richard Fleming, Robert McKim as Dr. Wells, Jack Pickford as Brooks Bailey, Jewel Carmen as Miss Dale Ogden, Sojin Kamiyama as the evil-looking Jap butler, Tullio Carminati as Detective Moletti, Eddie Gribbon as Detective Anderson and Lee Shumway as the Unknown. A group of people gather at an estate where master criminal, The Bat, is lurking, looking for some hidden loot. Soundtrack is composed of "Mysterious Signals from Glowing Orbs" by Bull of Heaven, with added sound-effects. Available for sale on Amazon.com