Science & Spirituality - Manifestation of Existence with Michael Mamas

2015-10-29 2

Michael Mamas discusses “Manifestation of Existence” in this video. Fundamental to the understanding of the nature of life and existence is something called “the unified field.” It’s something that modern physicists have known about and explored for not that long, a few decades. Einstein is the one who had the idea of the Unified Field Theory from the perspective of physics. It is very interesting that not all, but a number of modern physicists have said that the more they study the unified field, the more they come to realize that it is a field of consciousness. All the qualities of the unified field are, in fact, just the qualities of consciousness itself. This is really interesting because the ancient Seers and Rishis have been saying that for thousands of years.

We want to take a look at this unified field and see what we can learn from it. See if we can derive the whole universe from it. We have Consciousness. Consciousness is conscious. Before the universe manifested, what could it be conscious of? The only thing that is, itself. So, Consciousness became conscious of itself and perceived it as other, like doing a double take. It’s like when you are brushing your teeth in front of a mirror and you catch your reflection on the side mirror. For a second, you think there are two people there, you and whoever is in the mirror. Actually, there is just one. So, duality is born out of the self-interacting dynamic of pure Consciousness interacting with itself.

Consciousness becomes aware of those two things, and now you have three things. Consciousness aware of those two. That keeps going on, cascading out into infinity, that self-interacting dynamic of pure Consciousness. In modern physics’ terms, they call that the quantum mechanical realm. Why? Because you have quanta, units (1, 2, 3, etc.), there is a mechanic to it, and it’s a realm, level, at the underlying basis of all existence. In the East, India for example, they call that the Veda. It is the Vedic level, the fundamental building block of all life and existence, the source of all that is. With that fundamental basis, we are going to start to unfold the universe and look at all the different branches of knowledge, all the different fields of life.

Learn more:

* The Unified Field: Fundamental Principle #2 (
* Structure: Fundamental Principle #3 (

* Fundamental Principle #2: The Unified Field (
* Fundamental Principle #3: Structure (
* The Pendulum Effect, Vibrations, Gemstones, and the Universe (
* Why? (
* Cosmic Transference (