Taylor Swift sues radio host who allegedly ‘groped her bottom’

2015-10-29 2

Last month, former Colorado radio personality Robert "Jackson" Mueller declared he had bad blood with a certain international pop superstar. "In the course of his meet and greet with Ms. Swift, Mueller intentionally reached under her skirt, and groped with his hand an intimate part of her body in an inappropriate manner, against her will, and without her permission," Swift's suit read. When Mueller "groped her bottom," the singer "was surprised, upset, offended, and alarmed" - then had to go play a show for 13,000 people. “Mueller steadfastly maintains that no inappropriate contact of any kind occurred between him and Ms. Swift,” he said in his lawsuit. Swift’s suit it “will serve as an example to other women who may resist publicly reliving similar outrageous and humiliating acts.”