How to Convert Text to Audio with Notepad

2015-10-28 15

You can create your visual basic studio (.vbs) application your own with simple code. The code is designed to convert text to audio. This is not much useful for all but am sure this trick helpful to know some similar notepad tricks. You can use notepad in different way. Here you are using notepad to convert text to audio. Just create vbs file once and you can use many times. You can run this file on any computer. You need not create again and again. It consumes very less data. This is not harmful to your computer. It is user friendly application.

I created this tutorial mainly for Basic English learners. This tutorial is helpful to find correct English pronunciations. Learn English pronunciation without any software. Here is a best trick to find English pronunciation. You can try to learn some unknown English words also.

Dim msg, sapi
msg=InputBox("Enter your text for","Tutorials Adda Text-To-Audio Converter")
Set sapi=Create Object("Sapi.spvoice")
sapi.speak msg