Boehner gives incoming speaker parting gift with budget deal

2015-10-27 0

Outgoing House Speaker John Boehner presented his newly forged budget deal to his Republican colleagues at a private meeting this morning, outlining his plan to avert another government shutdown and raise the debt ceiling as a parting gift to his successor.
In brokering the compromise, which could hit the House floor as early as Wednesday, Boehner conceded that he was cleaning a "dirty barn" for his likely replacement as speaker, Rep. Paul Ryan .
The pact was negotiated privately by Boehner, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi , Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid .
"Democrats and Republicans have come to a responsible agreement that places the needs of our nation above Republicans' partisan agenda," Senate Minority Leader Harry M. Reid said in a statement on Tuesday.
Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman John McCain said he will support the budget deal because "it restores all but $5 billion of the defense requirements."