Whoops! Salman has been seen wooing the audience in Tollywood of late. And when his Diwali Dhamaka trailer released in Tamil as Meymaranden Paarai Aka the song. It really is so real that one feels that the movie has actually been made in Tamil.
The song Meymaranden Paarai Aka is a catchy number and is the title track. With the fan following increasing every day for Sallu, the simple logic that if one is pally with the fans, the film would click surely works here.
WE have been seeing Salman of late making visits to Telugu film sets and also meeting up with Tamil film personalities. All these surely would have a positive effect on his fan base and we are feeling it already with the whopping success of even the Tamil trailer. Sonam fits the Tamil heroine look too and we are secretly having fun hai na