Science & Spirituality: Michael Mamas on Darwinism/Creationism

2015-10-23 2

Michael Mamas discusses “Darwinism/Creationism Resolution” in this video. There has been a debate between Creationists (man was born in God’s image) and the scientists, the Darwinists, the biologists (species evolve). It seems like there is no reconciliation between the two. This takes a very rational, very mature, unbiased look at the whole thing and see what unfolds. As you can see on this short video, what unfolds is pretty amazing.

Darwinism in a nutshell said that what happened was just survival of the fittest, random chance. It started out that a couple of molecules came together, they could perpetuate so they did, and slowly, slowly over time mutations occurred. Every so often, over time, it created a more evolved species that tended to survive because it was more fit, and that process continued until ultimately, you end up with a human being. There is no question there is truth to that. At the same time, modern computer models have brought up a very interesting point. That is, that it happened way too fast. It couldn’t be the whole story.

There is a unified field, an underlying basis of all existence. It reacts with itself to create a very mathematically precise, very intelligent, very creative underlying structure that holds, supports, and gives birth to all of creation. It can be compared to a sandbox. When you take a sandbox and vibrate it, what happens is you start to see a pattern in the sand. If you continue that process, the pattern becomes more and more coherent, more and more detailed. Along with Darwin’s theory is that underlying vibration of all of creation that induces, entices, propels the whole evolution of species in a direction.

The question becomes, where does that process culminate? When does that process come to completion? It comes to completion when you have a species that is capable of embodying the totality of intelligence, knowledge, coherence in that underlying unified field, the underlying self-interacting dynamic. That species is called a human being.

So, who is right, Darwinists or Creationists? Well, if you take a rational look at it, you realize they are both right. Darwinism and Creationism are two sides of the same one coin. One gives fulfillment to the other, and one gives a deeper understanding to the other. Even though it is quite simple, we need to approach these concepts and their implications in a rational manner.

Learn more:

* The Paradigm Shift (
* More on the Art of Discernment (
* The Big Bang of the Brain (
* Why? (
* Regrets (

* Resolving the Darwinism/Creationism Debate (

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