Wheels for Change 2015 Raises More than ?200,000 for The Prince's Trust | Barclays

2015-10-21 1

More than 400 employees from across Barclays, including members of the Senior Leadership Group, challenged their cycling prowess earlier this month to raise money for The Prince’s Trust in the annual employee-led mass fundraising initiative, Wheels for Change.

From Wednesday 16 – Friday 18 September 2015 employees from across the bank took on elements of the 2014 Tour de France route and cycled various 100 mile cycling routes from Harrogate to London’s Olympic velodrome. This included a core group of 15 cyclists who braved the three day 325 mile challenge to cycle across some of the most arduous cycling terrain in the UK. There was an additional one day 100km London loop.

Read more: http://bit.ly/1QUKzCa

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