P15EN : Economic growth and Sustainable development - M152 : Sustainable development

2015-10-21 32

More informations on : http://www.actiononline.fr/parcours/croissance-economique-et-developpement-durable/

Learning goals :
- Understand the limitations of using GDP;
- Understand the principles of sustainable development and its impact on business;
- Understand the key sustainable development indicators.

A word from the author :
Growth means that more goods and services can be produced. This process consumes capital and gives rise to externalities.
Two problems arise:
• How can we manage the consumption of capital to avoid depleting it?
• How can we manage the side effects of growth?
These problems are at the heart of the ecological limits to growth.
The notion of sustainable development emerged to address these issues. It is defined as “Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs” (Brundtland Report).
In this module I will introduce you to the principles of sustainable development and its key indicators.

Chapters :
- Context and limitations of the economic growth indicator
- Principles of sustainable development
- Key indicators
- Quiz : Sustainable development

More informations on : http://www.actiononline.fr/parcours/croissance-economique-et-developpement-durable/