Stream Schedule for October, Week 4

2015-10-19 2

Monday Roulette:
Fallout 3 (Xbox 360), for hype with Fallout 4 coming out.
Random/Specific PS3 Games
Vigilante 8 Arcade (Xbox Live Arcade), getting the Alien Icons.

Tuesday Shmup:
Crysis 3 (Xbox 360), but no multiplayer; not yet anyway.
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Future Soldier (Xbox 360), but no multiplayer.
Rambo: The Video Game (PS3)

Wednesday Throwback:
Mortal Kombat 4 (PS1)
Soul Calibur 3 (PS2)
Transformers: The Game (PS2)

Thursday Adventure:
Crackdown (Xbox 360), Solo gameplay.
Saints Row The Third (Xbox 360), Solo gameplay first then Co-op later if available.
Just Cause 2 (Xbox 360)

Friday Fight:
Blazblue: Continuum Shift Extend (Xbox 360) online. If not, then maybe some other mode(s) or Chrono Phantasma Extend on PS4.
Battle Fantasia (Xbox 360)
Ultra Street Fighter IV (Xbox 360) online multiplayer.