Jews, Armenians : « Solidarity for the befallen »

2007-10-22 2,297

© ccaf -
Translation : Raffy Dikranian - Sub-titles : Vasken Toranian - directed by Leo Nicolian

The French Philosopher and Writer, Bernard-Henri Levy, author of a number of books (American Vertigo, 2006) and essays, and someone personally committed to supporting major global causes, considered it important to participate in a high-level meeting in Paris organized by the Co-ordination Council of Armenian Organisations of France (CCAF), in the presence of Charles Aznavour, many political figures from a variety of trends and numerous Jewish and Armenian organizations, on the need to prevent the denial of the Armenian Genocide through the adoption of a Law condemning revisionist authors.

This historical speech for all Armenians around the world sheds a highly philosophical, moral and legal light against revisionist theories at a time when American congressmen have expressed their opinions on a Resolution on the Armenian Genocide, Res. 106, and while Turkish diplomacy is going through great lengths to prevent the adoption of the Resolution by influencing Jewish organizations and the State of Israel in particular.

This document forcefully cries out “Solidarity for the befallen” and reminds citizens of the world that the moral values of democracy cannot cohabit with geographic strategies at the risk of seeing other crimes against humanity, such as the recent ones in Rwanda and Darfur, repeating themselves.