Urdu ghazal from the first part of Baang-i-Dara (The Call of the Marching Bell; 1924), the third book of poetry by Allama Iqbal
Singer: Nashanas (Afghanistan). Produced by Pakistan Television Corporation (PTV). Brought to you by International Iqbal Society - www.iqbal.com.pk
گلزار ہست و بود نہ بيگانہ وار ديکھ
ہے ديکھنے کي چيز اسے بار بار ديکھ
Read Full Poem here: http://www.iqbal.com.pk/poetical-works/kuliyat-e-iqbal-urdu/baang-e-dara/bang-e-dara-hisa-1/927-poetical-works/kuliyat-e-iqbal-urdu/bang-e-dra/bang-e-dra-part-one/bang-e-dra-part-one-ghazliyat/457-gulzar-e-hast-o-bood-na-beganawar-dekh