DPI / SSL is the only real way to stop Crypto Locker, Crypto Wall and others. Dell SonicWALL Security has this technology perfected.

2015-10-14 1

Cyber-criminals are constantly looking for any vulnerability to exploit in order to introduce potentially catastrophic threats into business networks. Now there’s an avenue that they’re actively pursuing, and with good reason: Encryption.

A website becomes encrypted through the addition of a Secure Socket Layer (SSL), a protocol that uses a cryptographic system to keep data sent over the Internet private. But here’s the problem; the “dirty little secret” about firewalls—the first, and sometimes only defense against cyber-attack: Traditional firewalls cannot inspect encrypted traffic.

The Answer: DPI-SSL! In a nutshell, DPI-SSL closes that huge hole that hackers are avidly working to exploit.

Check out the Cyber Advisor Special Edition video to learn more -