LAS VEGAS-- There's blood in the water as Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders prepare for the first democratic debate of the 2016 race. Three no-name candidates will also be on stage taking cheap shots at the frontrunners. Odds are we can say goodbye to Jim Webb, Lincoln Chafee and Martin O'Malley. Gosh, we hardly knew they existed.
Clinton's strongest play will be to remind voters that she is in fact a woman. Her weakness is her waffling on everything from gay marriage to the more recent TTIP and Keystone pipeline deals. Anderson Cooper's main challenge as moderator will be getting Clinton to take a firm position on anything.
Sanders will not only need to overcome his lack of vagina but also convince voters that his ideas aren't completely crazy. Free healthcare, free college and spending a trillion dollars on creating jobs is putting the self-proclaimed Democratic-Socialist at odds with those of us who are in touch with reality.
The biggest buzz leading up to the debate seems to be the possibility of a late entrance by Vice President Joe Biden. This would likely put a sting in Clinton's numbers and set the stage for some heated three-way action. Clinton may be the Dems' current choice for little-spoon, but don't rule out the seduction powers of the Bern or the Biden.
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