Brave divers remove hook from large shark's mouth

2015-10-12 3

A heartwarming video has emerged of a group of divers removing a fishing hook from the mouth of a shark in Jupiter, FL, US.

The footage, shot early last month, shows a male dusky shark swimming with a big fishing hook caught in its mouth.

The divers, who are part of the 'Shark Addicts Foundation' proceed to calm the shark down and remove the hook safely.

"In this video you can see Cameron Nimmo rub a dusky shark into tonic immobility long enough for Chris Cameron to remove a large fishing hook from the sharks mouth," the filmer, Mickey Smith, later wrote online.

"With the hook now removed, the shark should heal up well," he continued.

The Shark Addicts Foundation is a non-profit organisation dedicated to helping sharks, and changing the public's perception of sharks.