I gotta remember not to hit that windows button next time...
*NAT issue should be fixed... just gotta remember to configure it before playing online, on or off stream.
*Emulator first world problem (Not SSF, but rather, MAME) video coming soon.
*Announcement video coming next week. Gonna be a big one!
Monday Roulette: (Errand taken cared of so able to stream)
Fallout 3 (Xbox 360)
Vigilante 8 Arcade (Xbox Live Arcade)
Dynasty Warriors Gundam (Xbox 360)
Tuesday Shmup: (Another errand to run in the afternoon so I have to start later)
Quantum of Solace (Xbox 360)
Mindjack (Xbox 360)
Quake 4 (Xbox 360)
Wednesday Throwback: (Morning errand so I'll have to start later)
Crash Bandicoot (PS1)
Jak 3 (PS2)
Soul Calibur 3 (PS2)
Thursday Adventure:
Red Dead Redemption (Xbox 360)
3D Dot Game Heroes (PS3)
Watch Dogs (PS4)
Friday Fight:
Street Fighter X Tekken (Xbox 360)
Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm Revolution (Xbox 360)
Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate/Last Round (Xbox 360)