Queen Elizabeth offers condolences to President Erdoğan over Ankara terror attack

2015-10-12 30

Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain wrote a letter to President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan to offer her condolences over the heinous terror attack in Ankara, which killed at least 97 people and wounded more than 200.
The Queen said in her letter, "Along with all other people in the world, I was too shocked and saddened by the attack in Ankara on Saturday."
"My thoughts are with all the people affected by this terrible incident.
I offer my sincere condolences to Turkish people and share my sorrow from the bottom of my heart," the letter read.
Many other world leaders also condemned the horrific terror attack in the 'strongest terms', expressing their solidarity with Turkey.
The twin bombings in Ankara -- the deadliest attack in modern Turkish history -- were set off by two suspected suicide attackers in a crowd of leftist and pro-Kurdish activists at a peace rally.

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