'Mahmoud Abbas is a Plucked Chicken'

2015-10-11 8

Israel has "zero tolerance" for Hamas rocket fire - and should have the same policy for incitement from the Palestinian Authority , Education Minister Naftali Bennett stated Sunday morning.
"We left Gaza ten years ago with the promise that Gaza will become Singapore," Bennett reflected, in an early-morning interview with Army Radio.
"In practice it became Hamasstan, now we have to deal with rocket fire from Gaza."
"At this point, we have zero tolerance for any shooting."
"If they shoot from civilian areas, they are responsible for civilian casualties," he added. "
"The root of this is the wave of incitement by Mahmoud Abbas, over his role in the Middle East," Bennett opined.
"The security system is wrong in my opinion, I believe that Abbas plays an important role and I think he leads the international campaign in The Hague, the United Nations against Israel."
"He was a chicken, and now he is a plucked chicken," he quipped.

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