The Andy Morales Show (Radio Podcast #38) (October 10, 2015)

2015-10-10 5

Hey you guys!!

Here is my 38th podcast to my very own personal radio show called, "The Andy Morales Show". This show is an Andy Morales Show Special: Minneapolis Electro Funk Music of the 1980s!! Recorded on: October 10, 2015. Hope all of you guys will enjoy my 38th podcast to, "The Andy Morales Show".

Songs on this show:
1. Jak (a.k.a. Jack Edward Bailey) - "I Go Wild (12" Special Remix)" (1985)
2. Q.T. Hush - "Q.T. Hush" (1985)
3. André Cymone - "The Dance Electric (12" Long Version)" (1985)
4. Ta Mara & The Seen - "Affecttion" (1985)
5. The Time (a.k.a. Morris Day & The Time) - "Jungle Love (7" Radio Version)" (1984)
6. Jesse Johnson's Revue - "Be Your Man" (1985)
7. Sir Nature Alexander - "I Fheal So Goud" (1986)
8. Prophet (a.k.a. Anthony Butler) - "Strong & Mighty" (1984)
9. Exotic Storm - "(I Know You've Got A) Krush On Me" (1986)

Special thanks to the ones who contributed in this podcast:
Jason Bala
Mike Mains

You seen it here first on Dailymotion! :)