Duffy talks State of Play w/ CNN's Wolf Blitzer

2015-10-10 0

U.S. Representative Sean Duffy (WI-07) discusses the House's efforts to keep the government open w/ CNN's Wolf BlitzerU.S. Representative Sean Duffy (WI-07) discusses the House's efforts to keep the government open w/ CNN's Wolf Blitzer.

10/10/13 - CNN's Wolf Blitzer got some pushback for saying on Wednesday's Situation Room that President Obama should "accept the advice that a lot of ...

U.S. Congressman Blake Farenthold appeared on CNN with Wolf Blitzer today to discuss the House CR proposal that funds the government and fully and ...

Sen. Paul and Wolf Blitzer discuss the debt ceiling debate, Afghanistan and presidential politics.

Full video here King Abdullah of Jordan talks to Charlie Rose about his country's 1.5 million Syrian Refugees, and how the conflict across the border has ...

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