MK attempts to enter Temple Mount, defying Netanyahu

2015-10-09 5

Joint List MK Jamal Zahalka attempted to visit the Temple Mount on Thursday afternoon, defying Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's ban on MKs visiting the flashpoint site in Jerusalem.
When asked if his own actions were not also inflammatory, Zahalka responded: "There is a big difference between me and right-wing MKs and ministers that come here to do harm.
The northern branch of the Islamic Movement held a press conference on Thursday morning, addressing the intention to outlaw the party amid claims that it is behind the incitement in Jerusalem.
Earlier on Thursday, MK Haneen Zoabi of the Joint List responded to Netanyahu's decision to bar MKs from the Temple Mount.
"We will not obey a fascist demand," Zoabi said, "and we will fight against it as we fight against every element of Netanyahu's fascist policy.
"Netanyahu has no legal or moral grounds for preventing Arab MKs from going to the mosque."