With Reactions, Facebook Supercharges The Like Button With 6 Empathetic Emoji

2015-10-08 19

In September, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg made some waves when he hinted Facebook was working on a way to expand its famous Like button - not by adding the much-fabled "dislike" option, but by making it way more empathetic, expressing sadness and other emotions.
Facebook tells us that the pop-up feature will first start out as a test in two markets only, Spain and Ireland, before it decides whether to tweak it and/or how to roll it out further.
The new set of reactions will appear across both mobile and desktop versions of the app and on all posts in the News Feed - be they from friends, Pages/accounts you follow, or advertisers.
Mobile is increasingly the default platform for more and more Facebook users, so the fact that some people don't like to spend time tapping out responses on mobile handsets is an important thing to address for a social network that very much relies on user engagement to work as a business.