What Pisses Me Off About Kim Kardashian

2015-10-07 2

Hey, football is on! Did you see what happened on the latest episode of The Walking Dead? Oh man, can you believe Eminem swore in front of some military veterans at a concert? Is Macaulay Culkin dead or not, I’m not sure… wait, who’s Miley Cyrus dating now? Oh man, the Fast And Furious 7 trailer is out! Oh, Johnny Depp was drunk at an awards show, no kidding!

So yeah, Kim Kardashian has a large ass. She's all about that bass bout that bass, yeah, I got it, I got it, I got it. That is what draws attention in today’s world…

I just hope the next time Kim Kardashian drops her pants and has her photo taken... Hi Mom... she takes a magic marker and writes a little bit of the important news on her ample cheeks. Maybe then it will get some attention…

Did you know that… The United States is a country with an outstanding debt of 17.9 trillion dollars and unfunded liabilities (stuff the government has promised, but can't pay for) of over 115 trillion dollars. That means that every single American citizen is presently $987,634 in debt. Can you pay that when it comes due? Can you check behind the couch cushions? Maybe take back a few pop bottles...

Did you know that the middle class has pretty much effectively been exterminated. 83 percent of all U.S. stocks are in the hands of 1 percent of the population. 36 percent of Americans say that they don't contribute anything to retirement savings. 43 percent of Americans have less than $10,000 saved up for retirement.
Barack Obama is on the verge of granting amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants in a gross overstep of power granted to him as president under the constitution. Why? Why would he do that? Well because minorities vote overwhelmingly democrat, so Obama is on the verge of breaking the law to essentially import voters for the Democratic Party. Regardless of your political affiliation, this should appall you…

All right, little lower, left cheek, we've got room for... over 40% of births are out of wedlock and approximately one in twenty people believe the wrong person to be their biological father. 24 million children in America - one out of every three - live in biological father-absent homes and I don't care how many sitcoms you watch portraying men and fathers as buffoons, men are essential in the healthy raising of children. No dad... is no good.

We have had an endless series of lies about health care and what Obamacare is and isn’t.

Oh don't worry, you'll be able to keep your present coverage... oh yes, don't worry, you'll be able to keep your precious doctor... oh and don't worry, the website, it's ready and secure! It's just stuff we say...

Now we have the individual described as the “architect” of Obamacare publicly admitting: “If you have a law which said, healthy people are going to pay in, it makes explicit that healthy people pay in and sick people get money, it wouldn’t have passed,” and that “Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage and, basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever. But basically that was really really critical to getting the thing to pass.”

So the architect of the Affordable Care Act has implicated an entire administration and political body in intentionally pulling the wool over the eyes of the American people to push through their agenda.

That sounds important, but it doesn't look fleshy!

Nearly four in 10 Americans, or 92 million souls, are not in the labor force and have completely given up and don’t even want to work.

We have what seem to be an endless series of race baiting media stories where individuals are deemed guilty of race related crimes before any facts are known and before any investigations have been conducted. This incites riots and protests - further fanning of the flames of racial division, crushing Dr. Martin Luther King’s stated dream of a colorblind society where people being judged by the content of their character.

We have the blowback of a near endless amount of international meddling resulting in Muslim groups taking cities, growing violent movements and beheading journalists. So of course more money, more weapons, more troops are being sent over to keep this cycle repeating for the next generation!

You know what, this sounds important Kim. Take a bullet for the cause, take a bullet for humanity. Eat some pasta, stop working out, make that booty bigger. We've got a lot of news that needs to get out to the American public and it looks like - you're the only vehicle that gets their god-dammed attention.

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