Reduction in use has been the key driver in energy efficiency efforts, but that’s about to change. Energy savings from energy efficiency will increasingly be led by new technologies and practices, system optimization, and behavioral approaches. That’s the finding of a new report from the American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy. The report, “New Horizons for Energy Efficiency: Major Opportunities to Reach Higher Electricity Savings by 2030,” analyzes 18 measures that could, collectively, save 22 percent of total projected energy use in 2030. The measures include such technical items as reduction of plug loads, conservation voltage reduction, and smart manufacturing.
These findings are echoed by the Rocky Mountain Institute, which projects that new technologies could reduce overall energy consumption in real estate properties by 30 percent. Retrofitting HVAC systems, along with more efficient lighting and control systems, real time utility benchmarking, and building optimization will significantly reduce operating costs while improving the health of occupants. These developments make sustainability an integral part of future real estate investment strategy.
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