US painting duo seeks inspiration in Cuba

2015-10-05 13

US artists Kurtis Ceppetelli and Matthew Malone are a creative duo who have been painting together since 2009. They recently travelled to Cuba to meet its people and experience the atmosphere of the Caribbean island, before incorporating these influences into their work.

The result is an upcoming show in their hometown, Washington DC.

“As artists we are constantly searching for inspiration and, until recently, Cuba has been a country that has been entirely blocked off from all American influence,” explains Malone. “We came here in our search to discover a culture and people that, in one sense, seem very pure.”

The duo paint together on the same canvas. They compare their painting process to the way jazz musicians play, sometimes working together, at other times taking one step back to observe the other.

This technique allows for dramatic changes in mood, colour, and feeling within each piece and leads to surprising and often unexpected results.

“This project seems to have