吉益品(GEP ARTS):雅各井纪事Love at Jacob’s Well: 人人避开我,但您却来爱我。您给我活水,生命的泉源,永生。您的血洗清了我所有的罪恶。您的爱改变了我,使我变成一个新人。旧的我已经逝去,一个新的我重生于世。The world avoided me but YOU came to speak to me. YOU give me living water, everlasting life. YOUR blood washes away all my sins.

2015-10-05 1

A story on God’s Love, the true love that the world needs.

The woman at the well suffered low self esteem and was looked down upon by her countryman who themselves were a discriminated group of people, despised by others.

But when she came face to face with the true love of God, her feelings of inferiority disappeared. She was healed. She did not feel the need to lie, to pretend or be concerned with how others looked at her. Far from having to avoid people as in the past, she was able to stand up and confidently raised her voice in public.

She had become a “new person”. It is as if she had been born again with abundant life; streams of living water flowing within her.

Along with her, her countryman also received the true love of God, not because of any righteous works which they have done but a gift by the mercy and grace of God.

Just as God no longer judges the woman who believes in His love, He will also not judge anyone who seek Him.





