CBS Newsbreak with Douglas Edwards - Sept., 1983!!!

2015-10-03 2

From Sept. of 1983, here is veteran newscaster Douglas Edwards with a CBS Newsbreak!! Taped from WJKW-TV8, Cleveland.From Sept. of 1983, here is veteran newscaster Douglas Edwards with a CBS Newsbreak!! Taped from WJKW-TV8, Cleveland.

April 23, 1981 CBS Newsbreak featuring Douglas Edwards.

CBS Newsbreak - Douglas Edwards - WNEV -Spring '85 -Reagan -Whaling - Japan -Smuckers -We Are The World -WNEV. From Sept. of 1983, here is veteran ...

Veteran CBS Broadcaster Douglas Edwards anchored his last newscast on Friday, April 1, 1988, a two minute newsbreak. He joined CBS Radio in 1942 and ...

Douglas Edwards brings viewers up to date on the morning's big stories, followed by an ID.