Futurist Ray Kurzweil Envisions People Becoming ‘Godlike’

2015-10-02 13

Ray Kurzweil, a well-known futurist and Google executive, recently described in a lecture how humans will become more "Godlike" when our brains are connected to technology.

Ray Kurzweil, a well-known futurist and Google executive, recently described in a lecture how humans will become more "Godlike" when our brains are connected to technology.
He spoke at Singularity University in Silicon Valley about man’s evolution. 
He starts off by talking about the early development of tools to complete simple tasks and how these instruments led to more complex ones. 
As a result, humans were able to expand the size of their neocortex and, with it, the ability to process abstract thoughts like music, art, and humor.
Eventually, he believes pe