Defence & Diplomacy: Batle for Kunduz & Afghan Peace Talks

2015-10-02 50

The fall of Kunduz to Taliban, its impact on Taliban morale, the recapture of the Northern stronghold by Afghan National Army (ANA) after NATO forces pounded Kunduz from the air, speaks volumes for the preparedness of the ANA and its capability to maintain law and order in war ravaged Afghanistan after the total withdrawal of international forces.
Pakistani government officials should have rushed to Kabul the moment Kunduz fell to reassure Pakistan's support and offer its forces. That would have allayed misgivings in Kabul regarding Pakistan's commitment to fighting terrorism.
Pakistan should not be mindful of Afghan rhetoric, which is perhaps coming out of desperation or in the search of a convenient scapegoat. Instead Pakistan should continue to take steps to support Afghanistan wholeheartedly and ensure that all efforts are made to bring the Taliban and the Afghan Government back on the negotiations table, since Pakistan is an important stakeholder in Afghan peace.
Lt. Gen. Talat Masood (Defence Analyst)
Mosharraf Zaidi (Analyst)
Host: S. M. Hali