MOST FRUSTRATING GAME EVER! - Cat Mario (Syobon Action) #1

2015-10-02 1

Hello, folks and folkettes! Welcome to my Playthrough of the BALL-BUSTING game Cat Mario! I swear I've never been so infuriated and entertained at the same time! Watch the ridiculousness of the game as it unfolds, as I wander the world of Mario... as a cat. Enjoy!

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Hope you enjoy this video guys and girls!! Stay Safe and I will see you in the next one!!

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About The Game ▼

This game is designed by some Japanese company and their main purpose of this game is to create some big frustration while gamers are not able to finish this game just because of the objects and enemies that suddenly unexpected kill the character. You will need to have really big patience if you want to win this game. You don’t need to collect any coins because you will never get an extra life. I must say that this game can be called a game with no rules for sure because you will not know from where and when the danger will come up. Just keep calm and see all of the possible dangers that are coming and later evade them when you start playing from beginning or from the blue flag. If you get the blue flag you will not have to start from the beginning and you will start from that place that can be called safe zone.

I think that this game cannot be described with words, simply it is something that can only see practical while playing or felt. Just don’t let the unexpected kills of the character frustrate you to broke the keyboard or any other device near you and you are completely enough skilled for this game. Timing is everything. You don’t have to worry also about the controls because they are really easy to use and you will not find any problem in that section of this game. We truly and deeply hope that you will succeed in this game with six extra frustrating levels. We hope you like it.

Thanks for being epic folks & folkettes!
Thumbs up to you all as always and so much more! o͜O
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