Bill Nye Debates Ken Ham Great Debate Exposed

2015-10-02 7

A lot of people like to argue and fight over this debate when the debate itself has a major flaw and shouldn't be taking place at all..

Bill Nye Debates Ken Ham - HD

Bill Nye debates Ken Ham on creation vs. evolution

Bible! Science! Who will win the great debate? is the Drunken Peasants podcast with Ben & TJ featuring Scotty. Bringing you the latest in news, entertainment, politics from an altered perspective.

The scientific evidence, too, reveals the Earth is not that old. Skip to 1:25:55 - /watch?v=szBTl3S24MY Carbon Dating: ...

I made this with toys...for the extra lawlz. Was I biased with Bill? Of course I was. Watch the entire debate here: /watch?v=z6kgvhG3AkI ...

Bill Nye the science guy has chosen to debate the Young Earth Creationist Ken Ham who runs the Creation Museum in Petersburg, KY. The debate will be over ...

A lot of people like to argue and fight over this debate when the debate itself has a major flaw and shouldn't be taking place at all.. Bill Nye debates Ken Ham on ...