The bright star cluster NGC 6520 and the strangely shaped dark cloud Barnard 86

2015-10-01 7

The bright star cluster NGC 6520 and the strangely shaped dark cloud Barnard 86

This image from the Wide Field Imager on the MPG/ESO 2.2-metre telescope at ESO’s La Silla Observatory in Chile, shows the bright star cluster NGC 6520 and its neighbour, the strangely shaped dark cloud Barnard 86.

This cosmic pair is set against millions of glowing stars from the brightest part of the Milky Way — a region so dense with stars that barely any dark sky is seen across the picture.

Barnard 86, NGC 6520

Distance: 6000 light years

Constellation: Sagittarius
Position (RA): 18 2 58.13
Position (Dec): -27° 52' 5.13"
Field of view: 33.57 x 32.62 arcminutes
Orientation: North is 0.0° left of vertical

Credit: ESO

Music with thanks to
Snakecharm "Maze" "Natural shift"


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