The hadith referring to the Jordanian pilot burnt to death by ISIS is a sign of Hazrat Mahdi (as)’s appearance

2015-10-01 13


ISIS crashed down a Jordanian warplane on 24th December 2014. Do you recall that? The Jordanian pilot Muath Youssef al-Kasasbeh was taken as hostage. And on 3rd February 2015 that pilot was executed by being burnt to death. Upon this incident, the Jordanian King Abdullah broke short his visit to America and decided to go back to Jordan.

This young man who was burnt is a member of the al-Kasasbeh family which is one of the prominent families in Jordan of the Bararsheh tribe. The father of Muath al-Kasasbeh is a professor and his uncle was a Major General in the Royal Jordanian Army. Therefore, the capturing of this young pilot shook entire Jordan as it was a very significant happening in the Jordanian army.

And as you know, how the young was burnt to death was video recorded by ISIS.

Our Prophet (pbuh) gave all the details of this occurrence and this is given in Bihar al-Anwar, volume 51, page 116.

(Another sign of Mahdi (as)’s appearanc

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